write the book
I am at a breaking point. I either share my thoughts, feelings and experiences freely or stay in this land of in-between. I still have one foot firmly planted in the past. All the set rules of what is ok and not, what we can share and how we live our lives are still somewhat ruling me and my life. None of these “rules” are mine, nor do I wish to have them drag me down and limit how I share my stories. They most certainly do not serve me. I will ruffle some feathers when sharing my life and experiences more freely. That scares me a lot! However, I am confident it will be worth it.
“writing the book” is more of an extension of therapy and part of my process to become free from my past rather than the literal action of writing the book. Whenever I open up my computer for the day, I will write here, short, long, just a sentence, whatever works for me. I will do that because the more you write, the better and easier you will write.