Karin Brattberg

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Calm and freaking out

...yep at the same time!  

At this very moment I can’t even image how my life will look within a week, it feels so damn far away and still so very near! In 6 days I take over the studio in 8 days I open the doors for the public. My first ever class in the studio is pretty much full(snag the last 3 spots on www.timecenter.se/karinbrattbergyoga/ ) and lots of things are falling to place each day that goes by. I keep thinking all will be good. I keep thinking perfectly imperfect is what I am creating and whatever happens. I am trying. 

Im right now barreling a rather huge question, both mind and heart keeps pushing me towards a huge go! Do it! Go all in! And then there is that little tiny teeny doubt. But why go half assed in to anything? Is that really how I do things? Not really!  

I’ll let it sit for tomorrow’s time on my mat, usually that’s when and where all my decisions are made. 


me and my tiny yogini

today my family came to work with me and it felt exactly as it should. There is no separation for me, I would love to live ONE life were a huge mix of Yoga kids my man other family and friends are all intervened.

